ToolWiz Time Freeze

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ToolWiz Time Freeze

ToolWiz Time Freeze Descripiton:

Toolwiz Time Freeze is a instant system protection tool to keep your system safe and always like new. It protects your system from any unwanted changes and malicious activity in low disk level. With a simple click, it puts your actual system under virtual protection on the fly and creates a virtual environment as a copy of the real system, on which you can evaluate applications, watch movies, and perform online activities. It provides higher-level security to computer protection, and greatly improves the efficiency of virtual system.

ToolWiz Time Freeze How is it Different:

  1. Protects your files and folders from unwanted changes and provides password protection;
  2. Keeps System Safe from threats of virus, spyware, worm, Trojan, etc.;
  3. Enter Virtual System with a single click, no need to reboot computer;
  4. Easy System Restore and Recovery to remove unwanted changes;
  5. Adding files to theFolder Exclution Feature;
  6. New Protection Mode greatly improves efficiency of virtual system.

ToolWiz Time Freeze System Protection:

Puts the actual system under protection and creates a virtual environment for system partition. Creates a virtual environment as a copy of the real system and keeps the actual system in a constant state. prevents computer from unwanted changes and prevent malicious threats being made and doing harm to your computer, on which you run applications and surf the internet and perform online activities.
Start up system protection. Prevents malicious threats being made and doing harm to your puts the actual system under protection and creates a virtual environment for system partition
Simply reboot to restore your system to the previous state. Keep the actual system in a constant state, keep your system safe and protect your computer from unwanted changes.

ToolWiz Time Freeze Exclution Folder:

  1. You can add the files/folders you want to keep when Time Freeze is ON
  2. Make sure the windows system files are not in the protection list.

ToolWiz Time Freeze More Features:

  1. Very easy switch between virtual & real system.
  2. To enter virtual system, no need to reboot computer.
  3. No change MBR.
  4. It is free for any one, no need to pay anything.

ToolWiz Time Freeze Operating System:

Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (both 32bit and 64bit)

ToolWiz Time Freeze Installation:

DOWNLOAD THE ToolWiz Time Freeze
Note: This is a portable version no need to activate


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